Plenary session

Die verschiedenen Hypothesen über den Ursprung der finno-ugrischen Völker.
Summary in Russian, Zusammenfassung in Deutsch
Dr.Phil., prof. emer. Kyösti Julku (University of Oulu)

Ethnogeny of Finno-Ugrians of Russia (in Russian)
Summary in English
Dr. hist., prof. Valeri Patrushev (Mari State University, head of the Centre for Archaeological and Ethnographic Research)

Finno-Ugric Peoples of Russia before 1917: Problems of Historiography (in Russian)
Summary in English
Dr. hist., prof. Xenophont Sanukov (Mari State University, head of the Chair of regional history)

From an Ethnical Community to Statehood. The Case of Estonians
Dr. hist., prof. Ea Jansen (Tallinn Pedagogical University)